In a post-apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo, a biker gang member gains powerful psychic abilities, becoming a threat to the city. A teenager and his friends, along with a group of psychics, must stop him.
Douglas Quaid, a factory worker, visits a company called Rekall that implants fake memories. During the procedure, he discovers that he has real memories of being a spy and escapes. He then learns about a plot to invade the Colony and must recover a code from his memory with the help of the Resistance. Along the way, he meets a woman from his dreams, fights against the police, and ultimately defeats the villain and his forces.
In a post-apocalyptic world, Cloud Strife, a former member of an elite warrior unit, must protect his friends and prevent a new threat from destroying their world.
Pride and Glory is a crime drama set in New York City. It follows a family of police officers as they uncover corruption within the NYPD. The plot revolves around a murder investigation involving drug dealers and the uncovering of a conspiracy that reaches the highest levels of power. The main character must navigate the dangerous world of corruption and betrayal in order to uncover the truth and restore justice.
Night on Earth is a 1991 anthology film directed by Jim Jarmusch. The film consists of five stories, each taking place during a night in a different city. The cities and their respective stories include Los Angeles, New York City, Paris, Rome, and Helsinki. The film explores various themes such as culture clash, immigration, racism, and human connection. Each story follows the interactions between a taxi driver and their passengers, offering glimpses into their lives and experiences. From a blind woman in Paris to a jaded casting agent in Los Angeles, Night on Earth provides an intimate and sometimes humorous look at the human condition.
Set in the year 2080, Natural City follows a detective inspector as he delves into the intricate web of secrets surrounding the android population in the neon-lit megacity. With heavy rain pouring down, he must navigate a dystopian world of cyborgs, holograms, and artificial intelligence to uncover the truth. As he immerses himself in the human-android relationships and the dark underbelly of the city, he discovers the complexities of identity and the blurred lines between man and machine.
Short, experimental clip of tall buildings, lots of them, plenty of vacant apartments and cosy weather - a warm place.
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