Greenleaf is a drama series that revolves around the Greenleaf family, who are leaders of a megachurch in Memphis, Tennessee. The show explores their personal and professional lives, as well as the secrets and scandals that exist within the family and the church. It delves into themes such as adultery, sibling rivalry, betrayal, and the complex dynamics within an African-American family. The series addresses issues like religion, family dynamics, and the struggles faced by individuals within the church community.
Features several ex-members of the church who share harrowing allegations of the trauma, abuse, homophobia, and financial and labor exploitation that created a culture of chaos at Hillsong.
Investigating the secrets of Hillsong, one of America's most successful megachurches, and the investigative reporting that led to the dismissal of two prominent pastors.
Trinitie Childs, the first lady of a prominent Southern Baptist Mega Church, and her husband Lee-Curtis Childs, a pastor, face a huge scandal that forces their church to temporarily close. In order to make a comeback, they must rebuild their congregation and redefine commodified religion.
Jesus Camp is a documentary that follows a group of evangelical Christian children and their experiences at a summer camp in North Dakota. The film explores the controversial practices and beliefs of the camp, including speaking in tongues, pro-life activism, and the indoctrination of young children. It also delves into the political and social impact of conservative Christian fundamentalism in America.
Explore the horrifying story of the Christian church La Luz del Mundo (LLDM) and the sexual abuse that scores of members, many of them minors, say they have suffered at the hands of its successive leaders, known as the "Apostles."
Gavin Stone, a failed actor, is sentenced to community service at a mega-church. To get a role in their annual Passion Play, he pretends to be a Christian and discovers the meaning of faith and forgiveness.
A charismatic young pastor clashes with his father’s powerful evangelical church. He forms an unlikely alliance with a queer podcaster, and they uncover a conspiracy of historic sexual abuse.
God Loves Uganda is a documentary that explores the role played by American evangelical missionaries in the spread of anti-gay sentiments and legislation in Uganda. The film examines the impact of these missionaries on the country's LGBTQ+ community and the dangerous consequences of their efforts.
A corrupt megachurch pastor needs to make money during the pandemic, so he comes up with a scam that will trick his congregation into tithing.
A lonely college student grieving the loss of his mother has found purpose in a local megachurch. When a young pastor invites him to Chicago for a summer internship evangelizing the 'lost', his new faith is put to the test.
A young man joins a megachurch and struggles to speak in tongues - until the Pastor's daughter agrees to help him out.
In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley is a television series sponsored by In Touch Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and hosted by Charles Stanley. The series airs on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and began airing in 1990. On one episode dated September 11, 2011, it hosted a 10th anniversary remembrance of the terrorist attacks on the September 11 attacks, which featured stories of those who survived the attack.
The light of the world, described as a hermetic and non-traditional Christian and as several members recount the sexual abuse they suffered as minors at the hands of their successive leaders.
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