Lewis, an aspiring inventor, meets a mysterious boy named Wilbur Robinson who takes him on a time-traveling adventure. Together, they must stop the Bowler Hat Guy from stealing Lewis' memory-scanner and changing the future. The story unfolds with surprising twists and turns, as Lewis discovers his true identity and the power of keeping moving forward.
In a world where time travel is possible, a temporal agent is on a mission to apprehend a notorious terrorist known as the 'Fizzle Bomber'. As the agent chases after the criminal throughout different time periods, he embarks on a unique journey that delves into the complexities of love, destiny, and the consequences of altering the past. The agent discovers shocking truths about his own identity and is faced with the ultimate decision that could change the course of time. This mind-bending, suspenseful thriller explores the boundaries of time travel and the power of human connection.
Two young brothers are drawn into an intergalactic adventure when their house is hurled through space by a magical board game. They encounter a series of challenges, including an astronaut, a defective robot, reptilian aliens, and a black hole. Along the way, they learn to put aside their differences and work together to save their home and return to normalcy.
In a dystopian 2050, fighter pilot Adam Reed steals a time jet and escapes to 2018. He crash-lands in 2022 where he meets his 12-year-old self, and together they must repair the jet and save the future. Along the way, they encounter bullies, a mother-son relationship, and a plot to control time travel. With the assistance of Adam's wife from the past, they confront the leaders of the dystopian world and ultimately alter the time stream to set things right.
In a future where time travel is used by the mob to dispose of their targets, a hired gun named Joe discovers that he is next on the list. As he tries to escape his inevitable fate, Joe encounters his older self who is on a mission to change the future by killing a powerful figure known as the Rainmaker. Along the way, Joe forms a bond with a mother and her son, who may hold the key to preventing the rise of the Rainmaker.
Agent J travels back in time to 1969 to prevent an alien, Boris the Animal, from killing his partner Agent K and altering history. With the help of a prescient alien, they acquire the ArcNet, a device that can save Earth from an invasion by the Boglodytes. They confront the younger and elder versions of Boris, and ultimately succeed in stopping the invasion and restoring the timeline.
Stewie Griffin, the precocious and homicidal baby, goes on a journey to find his true self, facing various challenges and encountering outrageous characters along the way. With its blend of adult humor, satirical spoofs, and crude humor, this movie guarantees a hilarious and chaotic ride.
In Dexter's Laboratory: Ego Trip, Dexter's future self travels back in time and meets his past self. They must work together to stop a super-villain and prevent a fictional war in the future. The movie combines action, adventure, comedy, and sci-fi elements.
Lost Christmas follows the story of a young boy who finds a lost dog on Christmas Day. Through a series of unexpected events, he discovers that the dog has the power to reunite lost loved ones. As he helps others find their missing family members, he also confronts his own past and discovers the true meaning of Christmas.
James, a young scientist, is visited by his future self who warns him about his regrets in life. As James tries to change his future, he meets and falls in love with a woman named Courtney. Together, they go on a journey of self-discovery and the importance of living in the moment.
In '41,' a man discovers a portal that allows him to travel through time and to parallel universes. As he explores these new worlds, he begins to question his own reality and the choices he has made. This low-budget sci-fi film explores themes of philosophy, self-discovery, and the consequences of our actions.
Casper is a time traveller who arrives in the 2020s in an attempt to prevent a major future catastrophe. He meets Holly, a queer black woman he befriends and draws into his plan by giving her his knowledge of the future so that she can make quick money. However, they unwittingly alter the future themselves with their actions, until Doris, another time traveller, arrives to stop them.
The Infinite Man is a comedy sci-fi movie about a man named Dean who is trapped in a time-loop while trying to win back his ex-girlfriend. As he uses various time-travel devices to change the past, he creates multiple versions of himself and gets caught in a complex web of overlapping timelines. With each iteration, Dean becomes more desperate and obsessed with fixing his relationship, leading to hilarious and unexpected consequences.
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello is a collection of short films that explore different aspects of life and time. The film features various stories, including reminiscing about the past, encountering future selves, and exploring the meaning of work and marriage. The common thread throughout the film is the presence of a cello, which serves as a metaphor for the passage of time.
In order to save the world from a nuclear holocaust in 2045, Doc Brown must push the technological age back at least 50 years preventing Mattel Hoverboards and Mr. Fusion from being created.
A toxic executive is running late for his most important meeting when he finds himself trapped in a time paradox within a public restroom.
A young man is visited by the ghost of his older self in order to change his destiny.
A guy without many everyday worries finds a door floating in the ocean and soon suspects he is being followed. He discovers that it is himself that is following him and that the door allows him to travel back in time. He sets about trying to improve his life by changing his past; leaving himself notes all while trying to track down and correct the corrections his future self keeps trying to make.
The discovery of a time machine sets up the possibility of an unforgettable adventure for George and Lori...ten minutes at a time.
Two friends find more than they bargained for while hiking out in the treacherous wilderness.