The Nutty Professor is a comedy film from 1963. The story revolves around a nerdy professor who creates a potion that transforms him into a suave ladies' man, but he starts to lose his true self in the process. Chaos ensues as he tries to balance his new persona with his old life, leading to hilarious situations and unexpected consequences.
Open Doors is a sitcom that follows the hilarious and chaotic lives of an eccentric family in Serbia. The story revolves around the daily struggles and comedic mishaps of the family members as they navigate relationships, reconcile with estranged family members, and deal with eccentric personalities. The show combines elements of magic realism and escapism to create a unique and entertaining viewing experience.
Charlie Hoover was an American Fox Network sitcom which aired in 1991, starring Tim Matheson in the lead role and Sam Kinison, Lucy Webb and Bill Maher. The series was the only television series comedian Sam Kinison would ultimately have a regular role in. He died shortly after its cancellation.
A busboy on Broadway joins a famous nightclub in order to win a beautiful showgirl's heart. He struggles with unemployment, self-pity, and manipulation from others, but ultimately learns the value of self-sacrifice and devotion.
When a love god comes to Earth, chaos ensues as he tries to spread love and find his own true love.
Wilder Napalm is a movie about two brothers who have the ability to control fire. They use their powers in a small town, causing chaos and starting a love triangle. The movie explores themes of dysfunctional marriage and sibling rivalry.
Future Shock is a dark and surreal horror movie that takes place in a future society. It follows the story of a woman who meets her future self and becomes trapped in a series of horrifying events. As she navigates through dream-like sequences and insane situations, she begins to question her own sanity. With elements of paranoia, love, and revenge, the movie explores themes of insanity and the human mind's complexity.
A shy office worker becomes a hero when a fortune teller calls him another Napoleon.
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