Excision (2008) is a horror movie that tells the story of a disturbed teenage girl named Pauline, who is obsessed with blood and surgery. Pauline struggles with rejection, neglect, and an abusive and domineering mother. She is also dealing with cystic fibrosis, a chronic respiratory illness. As she becomes increasingly unhinged, Pauline finds herself entangled in a medical study that leads to murder, organ removal, and tragic events. The movie explores themes of alienation, irrational behavior, and the consequences of ignoring the problem.
Psychopathia Sexualis is an erotic drama about a man named Frank who becomes obsessed with a dominatrix, leading him down a dangerous and thrilling path of sexual exploration and self-discovery.
Maggie and Jimmy have never met, but they keep showing up in each other’s dreams. As they navigate memories, traumas, hopes and desires in sleep and the waking world, they’ll discover the truth of their linked destiny with the help of a dream detective, a sleep scientist and the poet Walt Whitman himself.
In 1972, young women looking for a fresh start in life endure isolated captivity in a true 98-day human experiment studying the effects of marijuana on females.
Former football player and wrestler Chris Nowinski's quest to publicize recent findings about the often dire consequences of head concussions sustained by athletes in contact sports — injuries that have previously been considered momentary setbacks and ignored in the name of toughness and dedication to the team.
Three women at high risk for Alzheimer's disease offer their brains and bodies to a medical study. After the deaths of their mothers, these daughters are determined to contribute to the search for a cure. This is the latest fight against Alzheimer's - by those with a very personal stake in the battle.
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