The Resident is a medical drama series that follows the ups and downs of the staff at a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. The show focuses on the lives of the medical residents who deal with various medical cases, conflicts, and ethical dilemmas. Set in the 21st century, the residents face the challenges presented by the ever-evolving medical field while wearing their latex gloves.
iZombie is a supernatural crime drama TV show set in Seattle, Washington. The protagonist, Liv Moore, a medical resident, becomes a zombie after attending a boat party that turns into a zombie feeding frenzy. She works in a morgue as a coroner where she has access to brains she must consume to survive. However, each brain she eats gives her memories and traits of the deceased. With these newfound abilities, she teams up with a detective to solve murders using her unique perspective. The show combines elements of comedy, drama, and horror with a focus on crime-solving.
Carol, a retired teacher, decides to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor and becomes a medical resident. She faces challenges and humorous situations while balancing her personal and professional life.
Emily Owens, a young medical resident, starts her internship at Denver Memorial Hospital. As she navigates through the challenges of her profession, she also embarks on a journey of self-discovery, building new friendships, and exploring romantic relationships.
Coma is a mystery thriller about a young doctor who discovers a dark secret within her hospital. She uncovers a conspiracy involving the illegal organ trade, and must race against time to expose the truth before becoming the next victim.
Of Human Hearts is a movie set in the 1840s about a headstrong son who rebels against his overbearing and abusive father. The story follows his journey towards self-discovery and redemption, as he navigates through poverty, family conflicts, and the hardships of the Civil War era. It explores themes of disappointment, failed expectations, religion, and self-sacrifice.
Startling medical observations about JFK's wounds when seven doctors who were in the Parkland Hospital ER reunite to discuss a day none of them can forget.
The Young Doctors follows a young doctor as he deals with the complexities of the medical profession in New York City. He must navigate the challenges of hospital bureaucracy, professional rivalries, and personal relationships while providing care to patients. The story explores themes of generation gap, culture clash, and the struggles faced by doctors in their personal and professional lives.
Young doctors mix romance with their careers in a big-city hospital.
The documentary “Residents” probes problems in Latvia in general and Latvia’s medicine in particular with the story of two energetic young interns, Kārlis and Laura.
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