Ajami is a powerful crime drama set in the city of Jaffa, Israel. The movie depicts the lives of various individuals, including Palestinians, Israeli Jews, and Christians, as they navigate the complex web of violence, prejudice, and struggle for survival in an area plagued by political tensions and organized crime. The film explores themes of family relationships, love, and the consequences of violence in a modern-day apartheid society.
Bigger Than Life (1956) tells the story of a schoolteacher named Ed Avery who starts taking cortisone as a treatment for a rare inflammatory disease. However, he becomes addicted to the drug, leading to severe mood swings, hallucinations, and a complete transformation of his personality. As his behavior becomes increasingly erratic and abusive, his wife and son struggle to cope with the consequences. The film explores themes of mental illness, drug addiction, and the destructive effects of societal pressures.
Zeinab's father dreams to have a decent Funeral like the ones of important society figures. will zeinab be able to achieve her father's wish?.
Surrogacy is fast becoming one of the major issues of the 21st century—celebrities and everyday people are increasingly using surrogates to build their families. But the practice is fraught with complex implications for women, children, and families. What is the impact on the women who serve as surrogates and on the children who are born from surrogacy? In what ways might money complicate things? What about altruistic surrogacy done for a family member or close friend? Is surrogacy a beautiful, loving act or does it simply degrade pregnancy to a service and a baby to a product? Can we find a middle ground? Should we even look for one? From The Center for Bioethics and Culture, producers of the award-winning Eggsploitation (2010, 2013), and Anonymous Father’s Day (2011), Breeders: A Subclass of Women? explores this important issue, talking with surrogates, physicians, psychologists, and activists across the political and ideological spectrum.
A disfigured young woman with two beautiful sisters is courted by a blind man. Will he still love her when his sight is restored?
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