The drama begins in August 1945, three days after the end of the Pacific war. A freight train completely jam-packed with passengers heads for Aomori from devastated Tokyo. On the train is Takahara Miki and her sister Sachi. Miki and Sachi are the daughters of a wealthy landlord living in a village in the Tsugaru area in Aomori prefecture, but they have been living in Tokyo since before the war to attend school. After seeing her village does not have a doctor, Miki is determined to become a rural doctor.
Genetic engineers Clive and Elsa splice together animal and human DNA to create hybrid animals. Despite their research being opposed by their pharmaceutical company, they secretly experiment with human DNA and successfully create a creature named Dren. As Dren grows and becomes increasingly dangerous, Clive and Elsa struggle to keep their creation hidden. However, when Dren's true nature is revealed and their lives are threatened, they must confront the consequences of their actions. Elsa makes a shocking discovery that she is pregnant with Dren's baby.
A doctor conducts dangerous medical experiments involving cryogenics and discovers a way to bring the dead back to life. However, his unethical practices lead to murder and mayhem.
With unprecedented access to the halls of Building 10, First In Human reveals for the first time how the medical breakthroughs of tomorrow make their way out of the hi-tech research laboratories and into the hands of our world’s medical professionals. The series explores the lives of the doctors, researchers, and patients who together make progress possible in this cutting-edge testing ground.
In 1909, Dr. Ehrlich, a German Jew and exceptional physician, researches the treatment of syphilis at a German medical institute. Facing challenges such as limited funding, antisemitism, and the death of his husband, Dr. Ehrlich perseveres in his quest for a cure. With groundbreaking innovations including the development of Salvarsan, a magic bullet against syphilis, he becomes a renowned figure in the medical community.
This short focuses on the story of Dr. Edward Jenner, who developed vaccination.
A documentary that delves into the medical mystery surrounding chronic fatigue syndrome, with a focus on the experiences of patients and the search for a cure. It highlights the struggles and challenges faced by those suffering from the disease and sheds light on the medical research and treatments available.
Breakthrough follows the journey of a brilliant scientist who makes a revolutionary breakthrough in cancer research, ultimately leading to a Nobel Prize and reshaping the world of medicine.
A runaway heiress hides in a doctor's trailer for a rollicking trip to San Francisco.
Explore the wonders and mysteries of the human brain as leading scientists and young researchers push the boundaries of neuroscience. From breakthroughs in artificial intelligence to optogenetics and brain-machine interfaces, this documentary delves into the cutting-edge research that has the potential to unlock the full potential of the human brain and revolutionize the understanding and treatment of mental disorders such as autism and Rett syndrome.
Coming in all shapes and sizes, bacteria are present in every corner of the Earth. Their purposes and types are even more diverse, with only 1% being truly harmful. Dive into the world of Bacteria to experience the latest discoveries and scientific knowledge surrounding these plentiful and necessary microbes.
PSA about the history of Syphilis and the medical treatments used to combat it that's meant to raise the public awareness of the dangers of this insidious modern plague and the necessity of blood screenings and treatments.
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