Hikaru’s ordinary middle school life takes a thrilling turn when he encounters Alma, an alien entity resembling a mechanized limb called Mecha-Ude. Alma, a member of a rare species, is fleeing from a sinister group hunting their kind down in search of one possessing unparalleled power. Tasked by the resistance group ARMS, this unlikely duo will embark on a perilous journey to save the Mecha-Ude.
8 years ago, Western Civilization visited 19th century Japan. Mechanized dolls and new steam-powered creations began spreading throughout the country. The Wind Gang is a group of doll and steam users who believe in using their creations to violently bring about a new Industrial Era. They attack and destroy the peaceful village of a young doll user named Hiwou one day. Hiwou and his friends escape with a giant doll named Homura. Hiwou now wants to find his father, so that he can help defeat the Wind Gang, and bring peace back to Japan.
In a small Persian village, Soraya is falsely accused of adultery by her abusive husband and is condemned to death by stoning. Amidst the religious fundamentalism, a French journalist tries to expose the truth and save Soraya, but faces resistance from the backward society.
After losing almost all their members, the Tobita Crush Gear club is facing extinction. Kouya who dreams of being a Crush Gear Fighting Champion doesn't want to see the club become extinct and will do whatever he can to keep the club running and become a Crush Gear Champion.
In the 24th century, a group of Transformers known as Maximals engage in a battle with Predacons on prehistoric Earth. With the help of their robotic forms and advanced technology, they fight to protect the planet and uphold the honor of their warrior race.
Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze containing deadly traps. They must work together to navigate through the maze and find a way out, all while facing their own personal conflicts and suspicions. As they progress, they discover the true nature of the Cube and the challenges it presents. With the help of an autistic savant among them, they unravel the code of the Cube and make their way towards the exit. However, their journey is not without sacrifices and betrayals, leading to a shocking and dark ending.
After being taken to a mental institution, Dorothy escapes to the land of Oz once again to save her friends from an evil witch.
Mr Hublot is a loner and recluse, living in solitude in a mechanical and steampunk-themed world. He has OCD and is eccentric. One day, he comes across a stray dog and decides to adopt it, bringing it into his home. This decision sets off a series of events that lead Mr Hublot to confront his fears, change his life, and create a safe and loving home for himself and his new pet.
Clock Cleaners is a hilarious animated short film that follows Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy as they work to clean a clock tower. However, their cleaning efforts quickly turn into a series of comedic mishaps and slapstick moments, resulting in chaos and laughter.
In the freezing arctic, a photographer and her team find themselves in a life-or-death situation when they are hunted by a genetically modified creature. They must use their wits and survival skills to outsmart the creature and make it out alive.
In this failed TV pilot, The Amazing Screw-On Head, a secret agent with a screwed-on head, must fight against evil beings and their schemes to protect the President of the United States. With his abilities and a range of mechanical devices, Screw-On Head battles supernatural powers and paranormal phenomena.
In The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, an inventor captures a talented opera singer and forces her to perform in his mechanical clinic. As the story unfolds, murder, surrealism, and a surprising twist are revealed.
The funny situations that happen inside and outside a mechanical workshop and the mechanics part of it.
Flavio is the Panday, the savior of mankind from the evil Lisardo. Panday goes against all odds to fight all of Lisardo's greed so that goodness will once again prevail over their land.
Queen is a 2018 movie that tells the story of a girl who is raped and decides to take matters into her own hands. With the help of her friends, she becomes a mechanical engineer and starts fighting for justice. Along the way, she encounters challenges and forms a friendship with a lawyer and a politician. The movie explores themes of empowerment, friendship, and the corrupt political system.
Two people live in a dark technological utopia/dystopia - "the Machine". Kuno and Vashti, have differing opinions about the world which they live in and their interaction and conflict as their society comes to a sudden collapse. The story raises themes of man's role in the midst of a technology-dependent built environment that are seemingly more relevant today than when the original short story was published in 1909.
Documentation of three Survival Research Laboratories events, 1983-1984. Meet Stu, the SRL guinea pig, and see him training to operate the 4-legged Walking Machine, see 10-barrel shotguns, hear the "Stairway to Hell".
Max is busy with his pretty new secretary and puts Koko and Bimbo on automatic for the day -- he sets a pantograph to draw a world run by slot machines like mechanical banks. However, is the creator in control of his creation, or is it the other way around?
Alan Kelley's eagerly awaited edit of the largest Survival Research Laboratories event ever. SRL adds 5000 spectators , 60 tons of machines , 50 srl members working tirelessly on site for 3 weeks, at an Austin, Texas racetrack to equal major mayhem. Artfully condensed on video to 18 min.
A cat tries to sneak into a dog talent show.