In this movie, the events of the TV series "Neon Genesis Evangelion" (1995) are taken to an extreme where mankind faces an apocalypse and the fate of the world is in the hands of a teenage boy who hesitates with motives he doesn't even understand.
Synecdoche, New York follows the life of Caden Cotard, a struggling theater director, as he creates a massive replica of New York City inside a warehouse. The lines between reality and fiction blur as Caden's personal life collides with the play he is trying to create. The film delves into themes of loneliness, the search for meaning, and the fragility of human existence.
The Seventh Continent follows the lives of a middle-class Austrian family as they gradually destroy themselves and their surroundings. The film explores themes of nihilism, materialism, and the meaninglessness of existence.
The Visitor follows the story of a lonely university professor who finds a new sense of purpose when he befriends a Syrian immigrant and his family. After a wrongful arrest, Walter meets Tarek, a young immigrant and former drummer, and his mother Zainab, a jewelry-maker. As Walter gets to know the family, he discovers their struggles and helps them navigate the challenges of living in a new country. Through their friendship, the characters find hope, connection, and a renewed sense of identity.
Winter Light is a 1963 Swedish drama film directed by Ingmar Bergman. The story revolves around a pastor named Tomas who struggles with his faith and experiences a crisis of faith. The film explores themes of loss of faith, existentialism, and the meaning of existence. Set in winter, the bleak landscape mirrors the protagonist's inner turmoil. The film is known for its slow cinema style and deeply introspective narrative.
What is the purpose of our existence ? What is the soul ? Which are the power of mind, of conscience ? What is our link to nature ? Pondering these existential questions, this movie invites us to find out an universal wisdom, meeting shamans, healers, yogis, but also philosophers and doctors. From Mongolia plains to the Amazonian forest, it leads us far than we expected at first.
A young man contemplates his existence as he walks through the lonely streets of his hometown.
In a space without limits, a being without identity confronts his own existence by asking himself six fundamental questions. In his search to define his essence, the protagonist enters an introspective journey marked by a lack of answers and uncertainty. Through this internal challenge, the character unravels the complexity of identity and self-awareness, inviting the viewer to plunge into the depths of existence, where unknowns and the absence of clear answers defy the limits of human understanding.
A hazy visual journey following a nameless protagonist as he comes to terms with a fleeting past and an uncertain future.
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