In a world where a mysterious lifeform called "Matter" threatens to destroy humanity, a young girl named Aiko Tachibana becomes involved in a dangerous mission to uncover the truth and save her friends. With the help of her newly discovered AI powers, Aiko joins a team of scientists and soldiers on a journey that will test their courage and unravel the secrets of the Matter.
Of Stars and Men is a 1964 animated film from the Hubley family of animators, based on the 1959 book of the same name by astronomer Harlow Shapley, who also narrates. Made in the style of a documentary, it tells of humankind's quest (in the form of a child) to find its place in the universe, through themes such as outer space, physical matter, the meaning of life and the periodic table. There are no character voices; instead, they "talk" through their actions. It has been cited as an example of an "animated documentary".
Einstein's Big Idea is a documentary film that explores the revolutionary discoveries and theories of Albert Einstein, including the famous equation E=mc² and the theory of relativity. Through reenactments and interviews with leading scientists, this film delves into the world of physics, uncovering the secrets of the universe and the fundamental principles that govern it.
A good-natured paterfamilias who is struggling to make ends meet rests his hopes on his successful expatriate brother to finally see their older sister get married. However, is the wealthy sibling willing to help?
A clip in the Science Please collection, The State of the Matter uses archival footage, animated illustrations and amusing narration to explain how temperature affects the state of matter.
This program explores the subject of anti-matter; its significance as a destructive process and the possibility of its constructive use. It explains matter, and anti-matter and explores the possibility that large quantities of anti-matter exist in space.
A short film by the Czech animator Vaclav Mergl.
Revolving around the modern Greek woman and her perspective on love in general, not one, but twenty-one brief and vivid vignettes attempt to shed light on an ever-present matter: can there be consequences in Cupid's eternal game?
In 'Primos,' two primates embark on a journey to discover the true essence of nature and the spirit that binds all living creatures. Through their adventures, they face challenges and learn valuable lessons about the interconnectedness of all things. This animated short film explores themes of harmony, friendship, and the importance of preserving the environment. Join the primates on their uplifting and captivating quest.
When the water supply cuts out in a small town, turning the dystopian society into a war zone, three hustlers struggle to find the real enemy before it's too late.
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