Stonewall is a gripping movie set in 1969, depicting the events leading up to the landmark Stonewall riots in New York City. It follows the story of a gay protagonist who becomes involved in the gay liberation movement after experiencing police brutality and harassment. This turning point in history helped pave the way for advancements in gay rights and equality.
Before Stonewall is a groundbreaking documentary that explores the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the United States. From the early days of political protests and picketing to the rise of the gay rights movement and the famous Stonewall Riots, this film provides an in-depth look at the struggles, triumphs, and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community. Through interviews with activists, historians, and individuals who lived through these events, Before Stonewall paints a vivid picture of the fight for equality and the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community throughout history.
Harry Hay was one of the founding fathers of the gay rights movement, and for more than 50 years was synonymous with the term "gay pride." Director Eric Slade's documentary about Hay looks at both his life and the movement he did so much to define. In 1948, Hay founded the Mattachine Society in Los Angeles; the goal of the organization was to establish a "Golden Brotherhood," one that sought to redefine homosexuality as a normal, healthy way of life. The problem, Hay famously maintained, was not homosexuality itself, but the way it was treated by society. Dramatizations, photographs, archival footage, and interviews with original Mattachine Society members are all incorporated to tell Hay's remarkable story, one whose legacy continues to be felt in the treatment of gays and lesbians in culture today.
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