An Invisible Sign follows the journey of a young girl named Mona Gray, who has a mathematically gifted mind and struggles with personal challenges such as her father's illness and her mother's overprotectiveness. Mona finds solace in mathematics and becomes a teacher, using unconventional methods to connect with her students and help them overcome their own challenges. Along the way, she discovers the importance of human connections and finds love and acceptance.
Fucking Berlin is a drama and romance movie set in Berlin, Germany. It follows the story of a mathematics student who gets involved in a double life, betrayed by her best friend and dealing with an unsupportive boyfriend. The movie explores themes of love, jealousy, and the challenges of living in Berlin.
Philippe and Daniel decide to go on vacation Southeast Asia, where they meet Hans, a European who livesthere and he becomes their guide and host. Once the holidays are over, before leaving to return to Paris, decided to give a small gift to Hans: a small piece of hashish.
In 'The Formula,' a delusional man believes that a mathematical formula can help him manipulate people. He uses this theory to navigate through various comedic and romantic situations, causing chaos and hilarity along the way.
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