Oliver Quick, a student at Oxford University, is struggling to find his place until he meets Felix Catton, a charming and aristocratic classmate. Felix invites Oliver to Saltburn, his family's sprawling estate, for a summer that will change everything. As Oliver delves into the world of Felix and his eccentric family, he becomes embroiled in deception, class differences, and a web of dark secrets. This psychological thriller explores themes of sociopathy, murder, mental illness, and the consequences of navigating the complex dynamics of love, lust, and power.
In the 1960s, at a top secret research facility, a lonely janitor named Elisa forms a unique bond with an amphibious creature being held captive. As she spends time with the creature, teaching it sign language and playing music, Elisa becomes fearful for its safety. With the help of her neighbor Giles and a Soviet spy named Hoffstetler, Elisa embarks on a plan to rescue the creature from the facility. Their escape is complicated by the ruthless Colonel Strickland, who wants to capture or kill the creature for his own gain.
True Things is a thought-provoking drama that explores themes of love, desire, and manipulation. The story follows a troubled woman who becomes involved with an emotionally unavailable man. As their relationship develops, she begins to question her own desires and the true nature of intimacy. Through a series of encounters, both sensual and emotional, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns the true meaning of love.
Pussy (2016) is an animated short film that explores themes of sensuality, eroticism, and female empowerment through the perspective of a female slacker who spends her days drinking tea, smoking marijuana, and engaging in self-exploration. The film takes a voyeuristic approach, entwining the protagonist's fantasies and realities as she seductively explores her desires.
An isolated and friendless female security guard finds a glimmer of hope when a charming bartender shows her kindness.
Monty, a gay Chinese guy living in London, makes it a habit to date only white boys. When his handsome East Asian neighbor invites him over for dinner, Monty has to decide if he's an Anglophile or simply prejudiced.
A queer teenager finds pride in his newly discovered sexual identity during a drug raid in a Melbourne gay nightclub in 1994.
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