The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine is a documentary that explores the devastating events of the Irish famine in the 1840s. It delves into the causes and consequences of the famine, including the mismanagement of resources and the mass death that occurred. The documentary also highlights the humanitarian crisis and the impact it had on Ireland and its people. Through powerful storytelling and historical accounts, The Hunger sheds light on one of Ireland's darkest periods.
Historian James Bulgin reveals the origins of the Holocaust in the German invasion of the Soviet Union, exploring the mass murder, collaboration and experimentation that led to the Final Solution.
A "symbolic" character traces the path of man in search of salvation in this world within his own ghosts and deformations.
In Lebanon there are more than 100 untouched mass graves dating back from the Civil War, and thousands of families awaiting a missing relative or at least a bone to bury The Soil and the Sea unveils the violence lying beneath a garden, a school, a cafe, a hotel, and other unremarkable landscapes. As the camera interrogates these everyday spaces, voices fill them with erased stories.
Among Wolves is a documentary that follows a Bosnian war veteran as he forms a motorcycle club in a small mountain town. Through the motorcycle club, he finds healing, peace, and a sense of purpose. The film explores the journey of the veteran and the impact of the club on the community.
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