Sailor Moon is a classic anime TV show that follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who transforms into Sailor Moon, a magical superhero, to save Earth from various villains and protect the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Along with her fellow Sailor Guardians, Usagi fights against the forces of evil while navigating the challenges of school, friendships, and teenage romance.
Sailor Moon Crystal (2014) is an anime TV show about a girl named Usagi Tsukino who transforms into Sailor Moon, a superheroine with magical powers, to protect the world from evil villains.
In 'The House of the Dead,' a small town is plagued by a mysterious man who brings chaos and terror. The story revolves around a series of strange and terrifying events that unfold as the townspeople try to uncover the truth behind the evil that has invaded their lives. With its atmospheric setting and suspenseful plot, this movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Marc, son of a happy serial killer family, turns 18 and must kill his first victim. But he's afraid not to feel the 'sanguine craving'.
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