Set in the year 2060s, Captain Scarlet and his team of brave agents fight against the evil Mysterons, who are attempting to sabotage missions and cause havoc on Earth. With futuristic technology and superhero powers, Captain Scarlet and his team race against time to protect humanity from alien invasion and terrorist plots.
When a frustrated songwriter unknowingly invites mischievous Martians to Earth, chaos ensues as they cause havoc and try to get rid of them.
A group of scientists embark on a voyage to Mars and discover a peaceful and advanced civilization. They explore the planet, meditate in a temple, and witness the consequences of sin and judgement. The crew faces mutiny, love, and the challenges of interplanetary travel. They eventually depart Mars, leaving behind a message of hope for future exploration.
Martians land on Earth, prepared for conquest. Atom-Man is Earth's only defense.
The crash of Roswell wasn't meant for New Mexico. In 1947, a neighboring state had 3 major sightings that were swept under the rug. With The Phoenix Light's and Travis Walton's "Fire in the Sky", there's a rich history of UFO involvement in Arizona. This film focuses on fresh UFO content from present day, containing interviews from residents and law enforcement officers statewide.
When a UFO crashes on a lonely farmstead, a soon to be Mother (Donna) and her belligerent husband (Jack) must investigate and drive out a family of invaders from distant worlds - However things are not always as they seem.
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