Earth is invaded by Martians with unbeatable weapons and a cruel sense of humor. The President of the United States, James Dale (Jack Nicholson), is alerted when a number of spacecraft have been reported launched from the planet Mars, and are on a course to Earth...
In the midst of the Cold War, a small town in California becomes the battleground for an intense alien invasion. As giant Martian tripods devastate the Earth, a determined scientist and a brave soldier join forces to fight back and save humanity from annihilation.
In a futuristic dystopia, a social critic battles against an alien-controlled society where media and television brainwash the population. As martian invaders threaten the world, the critic must navigate through a world of mass media, blood donations, televised trials, and oppressive tactics. With surrealism and allegory, the film explores themes of control, manipulation, and the struggle for freedom.
During a pajama party, a group of teenagers find themselves caught up in a Martian invasion. With the help of a friendly alien, they must try to stop the invaders and save the world.
In Unbelievable!!!!!, a group of astronauts embark on a hilarious and unexpected journey through space, encountering bizarre creatures and unforeseen challenges along the way.
In an alternate reality of 1914, humans battle against an alien invasion with the help of steam-powered machinery. Lieutenant Eric Wells, a young soldier, rises through the ranks to pilot a giant human-piloted robot, Goliath, and lead the fight against the Martian invaders. As the war intensifies, Wells and his team face countless challenges, including treachery within their own ranks. Can they overcome the odds and save humanity?
Kitty Kornered is a hilarious animated short film that takes place in the 1940s. It follows the story of Porky Pig and Sylvester the Cat as they encounter a series of misadventures after a Martian invasion and a prank gone wrong. With clever humor and surrealism, this cartoon explores the chaos that ensues when a goldfish bowl, a moose head, and a radio broadcast are combined.
Ralph gets sent to his room for breaking a window. There, he passes the time in Walter Mitty-type fashion, daydreaming that he's a parent-saving jungle explorer, an alien-fighting jet ace and a convict.
KoKo assembles fellow clowns from around the globe to defend earth from a martian attack.
Documentary-drama recounting the Martian War of 1913–1917. Europe was on tenterhooks in the 2nd decade of the 20th century, everyone was expecting a Great War between the major European powers. But then, in 1913, something crashed into the forests of SW Germany. Troops were sent to investigate but were wiped out. Martian fighting machines began making their way across Western Europe and the countries of Europe combined forces to resist them. With aspects taken from ‘The War of the Worlds’ by H.G. Wells and from WWI itself, this dramatisation presents a documentary style look at events as they unfolded and the effect they had of our world today. Lots of references to real events including the mass attacks and defeats as men were thrown against machines on the Western front, the Christmas truce and the Angel of Mons, America's isolationism and late entry into the conflict, the worldwide Spanish flu epidemic that killed more people than the war, and many other things.
One of several 1970s documentaries on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFO), supporting the view that Earth is visited regularly by extra-terrestrial engines and aliens.
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