Young Justice follows the lives of teenage superheroes as they navigate the challenges of adolescence while saving the world from various threats. With powers ranging from telepathy to super strength, the team must work together to protect humanity from supervillains and otherworldly dangers.
The Looney Tunes Show follows the lives of classic Looney Tunes characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Tweety Bird as they navigate through suburban life with a mix of comedic situations, love triangles, and unrequited love.
Join the adventures of Moomin and his friends in the dream-like Moomin Valley. Experience the magical and vivid imagination of Moomin and his encounters with Martian time machines, magical creatures, ghost ships, and more.
In the 24th century, Duck Dodgers and his hilarious crew embark on space adventures to save humanity from alien attacks and comically parody science fiction tropes.
A reporter takes in a Martian who has crash-landed on Earth and tries to pass him off as his eccentric Uncle Martin. Together, they navigate the challenges of living together and keeping Martin's true identity a secret.
John Carter, a former Confederate Army captain, is transported to Mars where he finds himself in the midst of a war between different Martian tribes. With the help of a princess and a friendly Martian, he must navigate this dangerous new world and find a way back home.
Set in a future where a hypergate was discovered on the Moon in 1972, which allowed the humans to settle on Mars. However, a war erupts between the residents of Mars, known as the Vers Empire, and the people of Earth. As the conflict intensifies, both sides employ advanced mecha technology in a battle for survival.
In this TV show, Earth is invaded by aliens who launch a devastating attack. As humanity fights for survival, they discover that the aliens are vulnerable to bacteria. The show follows the struggles of a group of survivors as they try to stay alive and find a way to defeat the aliens.
Martin Mystery, a teenager with a passion for the paranormal, investigates mysterious cases with his step-sister and their friend. Together, they uncover supernatural creatures, solve puzzles, and unravel the secrets of the unknown.
Tracker is a 2001 Canadian science fiction television series starring Adrian Paul and Amy Price-Francis. The series is based on a short story by Gil Grant and Jeannine Renshaw. The pilot episode and two other episodes were edited into the film Alien Tracker.
In the midst of an alien invasion, a journalist and his family fight to survive against advanced alien technology and total devastation. Set in Edwardian England, the show explores themes of love, betrayal, and the resilience of humanity.
In the midst of the Cold War, a small town in California becomes the battleground for an intense alien invasion. As giant Martian tripods devastate the Earth, a determined scientist and a brave soldier join forces to fight back and save humanity from annihilation.
After his mom is abducted by Martians, a young boy named Milo embarks on a mission to rescue her. With the help of a wise and courageous new friend, Milo sets off on an adventure to the red planet that will test his bravery and determination.
In the 22nd century, on the planet Mars, a team of police officers led by Lieutenant Melanie Ballard arrives at a mining outpost to transport prisoner James 'Desolation' Williams to a higher level security facility. However, they soon discover that the outpost has been overrun by a horde of dormant Martian spirits awakened by a long-uncovered Martian artifact. Now, they must fight and survive against the relentless zombies and find a way to escape the outpost.
In the year 1999, Earth is on the brink of destruction due to a devastating war. As a last-ditch effort, a group of astronauts embarks on a mission to colonize Mars. However, they soon discover strange occurrences and ancient ruins on the red planet, leading to a series of revelations and encounters with friendly and hostile aliens. The timelines of past and future intertwine as the settlers struggle to survive and unravel the mysteries of Mars.
After a group of explorers uncover the lost city of Atlantis, they must navigate treacherous waters, battle deadly creatures, and uncover the secrets of the underwater kingdom. Along the way, they encounter ancient artifacts, encounter dangerous cults, and face their own personal demons.
In My Favorite Martian, a reporter named Tim discovers that her eccentric uncle, who she thought was just a regular human, is actually a friendly Martian. Together, they embark on a series of misadventures as they try to keep his true identity a secret from the world. Along the way, they encounter government agents, mad scientists, and all sorts of comedic situations. Will they be able to navigate the challenges and maintain their bond as family?
Tom and Jerry join a mission to Mars and encounter aliens, giant robots, and hilarious mishaps along the way.
The adventures of a futuristic version of the Partridge Family.
A soldier finds himself transported to Mars and becomes embroiled in a conflict between the inhabitants of the planet. He fights to save the planet from destruction.