In The Great Muppet Caper, the beloved Muppets find themselves embroiled in a thrilling caper as they try to solve a jewelry heist and clear their names. Along the way, they must navigate through hilarious escapades, including hailing taxis, synchronized swimming, and even a hot air balloon ride. With their trademark humor and charm, the Muppets prove that they are the ultimate team when it comes to solving crimes and bringing joy to audiences of all ages.
Kermit the Frog throws a glamorous party at the Cocoanut Grove nightclub to celebrate the premiere of the Muppets' first feature film, The Muppet Movie. Hosts Dick van Dyke and Rita Moreno interview the wide array of celebrities and Muppets who attend the event. Gary Owens serves as off-camera announcer, and appears on-screen to introduce Miss Piggy.
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