The Merchant of Four Seasons follows the life of a fruit salesman in Munich who is dealing with alcoholism, an unhappy marriage, and disappointment in his life. As he tries to navigate his problems, he faces disdain from his domineering mother and finds solace in heavy drinking. The film explores themes of self-destructiveness and the struggles of working-class life.
Pili lives in rural Tanzania, working the fields for less than $1 a day to feed her two children and struggling to manage her HIV-positive status in secret. When she is offered the chance to rent a sought-after market-stall, Pili is desperate to have it. But with only two days to get the deposit together, Pili is forced to make increasingly difficult decisions with ever-deepening consequences. How much will she risk to change her life?
The hardships of an ordinary street vendor from his troubled childhood, when he had to work to support his family, to disappointing adulthood, when he lost all the money he had several Times for various reasons.
We begin this short visit to Guatemala at the port town of Livingstone, then journey up the Rio Dulce. We stop to watch men tap the trees, harvest the sap, and load the product onto small planes. At a local market, we see indigenous life much as it's been for hundreds of years. Then it's back to the coast, to the prosperous Isla de Flores, a trading island.
A young man learns his new antique violin has the power to change the form of things around it.
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