Set in the 1970s, 'Dick' follows a high school girl who accidentally witnesses the Watergate break-in and becomes a key player in the political cover-up. Alongside her best friend, they navigate the world of politics, friendship, and unlikely heroism, all while walking dogs for a living. This alternate history comedy is filled with crude humor, historical references, and unexpected twists.
Winter Kills is a political conspiracy thriller about the assassination of an American president and the subsequent cover-up. It involves a young man who becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth and gets caught up in a web of deception, political scandal, and intrigue.
Singularity is a sci-fi action short film set in the near future about a civil war between humans and sentient androids. The film tells the story of a group of Delta force soldiers who are ambushed by androids as they attempt to rescue the US president.
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