Happy as Lazzaro tells the story of a young peasant named Lazzaro who lives in an isolated village that is stuck in the past. When Lazzaro befriends the young nobleman Tancredi, he is introduced to a world beyond his own and becomes entangled in a complex scheme involving fake kidnappings and modern slavery. As the story unfolds, Lazzaro's naivety and pure heart navigate him through the harsh realities of the modern world.
During the Napoleonic War, the Marquise of O is saved from a rape attempt by a mysterious suitor. She discovers she is pregnant but has no memory of how it happened. As she navigates the challenges of society's expectations and her own feelings, she must decide whether to accept her suitor's proposal and raise the child or reject him and face the consequences. A captivating story of love, family, and personal choices.
The Marquise de Saint-Ange wants to marry her niece Nicole, but the young girl, put off by the chosen suitor, flees with her friend Jacques.
Léontine, an old baroness, opposes her granddaughter's wedding for moral reasons. But Adolphe, her first husband reminds her that her own conduct in the past was far from irreproachable. Didn't she cheat on him ? And after her divorce from him and her remarriage with a baron, didn't she do the same thing to her second husband? Léontine then realizes she is in no position to lecture her granddaughter, all the more as she loves her fiancé truly.
M. Jourdain is a cloth merchant who wants to become a gentleman, learning dance, music, fencing and philosophy. Mme Jourdain is worried about Dorante's expenses and prefers her daughter Lucile to marry Cléonte. The two young men's servants use subterfuge to get M. Jourdain to accept Cléonte as son-in-law. They fake the arrival of the Grand Turk's son in Paris, and, in an Oriental ballet, confer upon M. Jourdain the title of Mammamouchi, his daughter marrying the son of the Grand Turk, who is none other than Cléonte in disguise.
Having committed murder in Belgium, Fantômas is sentenced to life imprisonment. Juve conceives the idea that if Fantômas is set free, he can follow him back to France and capture him and the remaining members of his gang once and for all.
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