An original sitcom from YTV, revolving around the employees of a travel agency in Kyoto whose job is to respond to tourist customer complaints. Once called the “Travel Master” Kyoka Takase was transferred to a different office after a conflict with her superior. However with her expertise in planning and numerous connections, she uses her skills to create the perfect travel plan one customer at a time!
A woman’s dead body is found in an apartment in Kokubunji, Tokyo. The decayed body seems like a half year has passed since its death and it is damaged by domestic cats that ate the body. The woman's death is thought to be a "lonely death" (someone died naturally without anyone noticing for a long period of time). Detective Ayano has doubts about that conclusion. The cats seemed like they were not house trained, which is odd for domestic cats. Detective Ayano wonders whether the cats were really owned by the dead woman. Detective Ayano then finds Suzuki Yoko’s bankbook in an empty fishbowl. It seems like the dead woman is 36-year-old Yoko.
Akira is a 30-year-old salaryman married to novelist Sonoko. After five years of marriage things between them have cooled and now they barely speak. One evening Akira is suddenly struck with an unbearable headache and, after being taken to the hospital, is told his illness is life-threatening. At the same time, a strange change starts to take over Akira’s body. The Akira who walks out of the operating theater has transformed into a woman!
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