Everything Sucks! is a TV show that follows a group of high school students in Boring, Oregon, as they navigate the challenges and complexities of teenage life in the year 1996. The story centers around a teenage girl, Kate, who is struggling with her sexuality and coming to terms with being a lesbian. As she forms unexpected friendships and relationships, the students come together to create a school play and embark on a road trip, all while dealing with their own personal issues and the ups and downs of high school.
The Chair follows the story of Ji-Yoon Kim, the first woman of color to become the chair of the English department at the fictional Pembroke University. She navigates the challenges of her new position while dealing with personal and professional struggles. The show explores themes of race, gender, academia, and relationships.
In the TV show 'Safe', Tom, a widower, is on a mission to find his missing teenage daughter after her mysterious disappearance. As he investigates, he uncovers a web of dark secrets and corruption in his seemingly safe community. Tom's journey brings him face to face with corrupt police officers, accidental murders, and a town with a dark past. Along the way, he relies on his gay best friend for support and guidance. Will Tom be able to unravel the mystery and find his daughter before it's too late?
When a spoiled, rich man loses his fortune, he is forced to move to a poor neighborhood and adapt to a life of poverty. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about family, relationships, and the true meaning of success.
After inheriting a farm at Christmas time, a widowed father must navigate the challenges of village life while his children come up with a plan to make it their permanent home.
Kinjou, who has become disgusted with his job and the world itself, takes a hallucinogenic red capsule that allows him to meet the person he likes for a few minutes and escapes by seeing his wife, that died, every day.
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