Midnight Runners is an action-packed comedy crime movie that follows two Korean police academy students, Gi-joon and Hee-yeol, who witness a kidnapping. Determined to rescue the abducted girls, they take matters into their own hands and embark on a wild and thrilling journey. Along the way, the duo faces various challenges and dangerous situations, testing their courage and friendship. With a mix of humor, heart, and intense action sequences, Midnight Runners offers an entertaining and gripping experience.
Captain Volkonogov, a Soviet officer, finds himself in a dilemma during Stalin's purge in 1938. He navigates through a gloomy and nonlinear timeline as he tries to escape the clutches of the NKVD. The movie explores themes of anti-communism, singing, suicide, and the harsh realities of Stalinism.
Captain Newman, M.D. is a comedy-drama set in an army hospital in Arizona during World War II. The film follows a military psychiatrist, Captain Josiah Newman, as he tries to help his patients with various mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, suicide attempts, and catatonic stupor. Despite the challenges, Captain Newman is determined to provide the best care for his patients and create a supportive environment.
On the eve of their return to the states, the crew of the U.S.S. Blake is unpleasantly surprised when their new captain, Lt. Commander Hale, announces that they've been reassigned to the upcoming invasion of Okinawa. With the news turning the crew against him, Hale must rise to the occasion to keep his men inline.
1943, territory occupied by German troops. The Soviet intelligence officer is given the task to get behind enemy lines and get secret documents. His task is complicated by the fact that he must complete this task alone and that an insidious and dangerous enemy in the person of the Abwehr counterintelligence captain, who considers it a matter of honor to personally catch a Russian saboteur, is on his trail.
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