In the sequel to Planet of the Apes, an astronaut crash-lands on a planet ruled by intelligent apes. He discovers a hidden underground city inhabited by mutant humans who worship a nuclear bomb. As tensions rise between the apes and the mutants, a battle for the future of Earth ensues.
Ariel is a good-looking farm boy who lives with his father and sister in a rural part of Buenos Aires province. He has become familiar with sex thanks to Omar, a priest with whom he has a secret affair.
In Harmony follows the story of a lawyer who faces an ethical conflict when he discovers his wife's infidelity. As he struggles with his own principles, he must also navigate the challenges of being a stuntman with a physical disability. The movie explores themes of courage, love, and the choices we make in life.
Miracle of the White Stallions is a movie based on a true story set in Vienna, Austria during World War II. It follows the journey of a group of individuals who must work together to protect and save a group of Lipizzan stallions, a rare and valuable breed of horses, from the German army. The movie explores the deep bond between humans and horses, and highlights the courage and determination of those involved.
The journey of 19th-century frontiersman Ephraim MacIver and the adventures, stories, and homosexual relationships he had with other men in the American wilderness.
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