In Sparrows (1926), Molly, a young girl, lives in an oppressive baby farm run by a cruel couple. She struggles to protect herself and the other orphans from their mistreatment and escape their clutches. Along with her friends, Molly must navigate treacherous situations, including attempting to rescue a kidnapped child and avoiding the farm's dangers. With determination and resilience, she fights for her freedom and a better life.
A young heiress defies societal norms and embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates love, marriage, and the complexities of her own desires.
Lucy is apparently very confident, and quite "forward," as the saying used to be; she has made all the moves to pick up a staid lawyer-type for sex. Once back at her apartment, she sets a video camera going to record their coupling. However, someone breaks into the place while they are having at it, and she is barely able to leave the bed and hide before her sex-partner is killed. She never sees the intruder's face herself. In the aftermath, the terrified lass finds herself with a sympathetic female state-appointed attorney (since she's the obvious suspect) and together, they try to track down the murderer.
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