Actors is a comedic movie set in Paris that follows the lives of actors. It explores metafiction, episodic structure, and the challenges faced by actors in the film industry. The story revolves around a group of actors working in a restaurant and showcases their interactions, monologues, and comedic mishaps. With elements of jazz music and a murder attempt, the movie provides a humorous insight into the world of filmmaking.
When a 19-year-old high school student, Joon-Soo, discovers a baby in the subway, his life takes an unexpected turn. With the help of his nerdy classmate, Eun-Joo, Joon-Soo must navigate the challenges of being a teenage father while juggling his school life. As he learns to care for the baby, Joon-Soo also discovers a deeper meaning to love and responsibility.
Follow Gustav Vasa on his journey from rebel to absolute monarch.
My Nikifor tells the true story of a dying artist who defied conventions and created brilliant art while battling tuberculosis in a small town. It explores themes of separation, sacrifice, and provincial life as Nikifor's genius and free spirit shine through his primitive art. The film also delves into his marriage crisis and the exhibition of his work in an art gallery. Ultimately, it is a poignant exploration of life, death, and the power of art.
Richard II is a film adaptation of William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It follows the story of the king's downfall and his eventual overthrow by Henry Bolingbroke.
Three friends about to turn 30 call themselves animal names: Badger, Hyena and Pigeon. They like to spend time in their favorite bar in the Bratislava city Zoo, and they starve for a serious relationship, a soul mate for life. Hyena is a virile macho, employed as a tiger feeder and seducing women never was a problem for him. In this matter the other two, Badger, a prosecuting attorney and Pigeon, employed as a water bicycle keeper, are far less successful. Times are about to change for Badger, who after years of fantasizing about a woman's voice in the radio finally decides to meet her in real life. As the friends closely follow Badger's new adventure, they discover, that a man is trying to kill him, because of his extensive zeal in persecuting local mafia at court. The killer happens to be the husband of the radio speaker, with whom Badger just started a romance. It is an absurd world full of funny coincidences, in which a story of falling in love becomes a matter of staying alive.
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