Cosmos is a surreal comedy that follows the story of an aspiring writer who rents a room in a boarding house. As he navigates through his everyday life, he encounters various bizarre situations and encounters, including dead animals, surreal characters, and unusual events. The movie explores themes of creativity, relationships, and the absurdity of life.
Polish Wedding is about a Polish-American family living in Detroit. The film follows the story of Hala, a headstrong woman who is unhappy in her marriage. She becomes involved in an affair with a mysterious stranger, resulting in a pregnancy. As Hala's family prepares for her sister's wedding, they are faced with their own secrets and struggles. The film explores themes of family, love, cultural traditions, and the challenges of relationships.
A series of bawdy and satirical episodes written during the reign of the emperor Nero and set in imperial Rome. Like the more famous version made by Federico Fellini, an adaptation of Petronius' Satyricon.
Cybill Shephard stars as Vicky, a woman married to a rich old man, who has one foot in the grave. Gregory Harrison plays Mike Riordon a district attorney, who is young, handsome and living at home with his Irish mom for the most. Vicky's husband Arthur gets Mike involved in a merger of two companies...or something like that even though he knows that Mike and Vicky were a couple and that she had dumped him. Whilst Mike and Vicky are attending a party, Arthur is alone at home when a burglar appears out of nowhere and shoots him point blank.
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