The Double Life of Véronique follows the lives of two women, Véronique from Poland and Weronika from France, who share a mysterious connection. They both have a passion for music and possess similar physical attributes. As their lives unfold, they experience strange occurrences and encounter situations that mirror each other. The film explores themes of identity, duality, and the intangible connections that transcend reality.
Four alternating stories about mundane, personal methods of control. Children and a developmentally disabled adult operate control panels made out of paper, lists, monsters and their own bodies.
Iggy Pop - Kiss My Blood is a thrilling rock concert film showcasing Iggy Pop's energetic and provocative performance. Witness the legendary musician's raw talent and captivating stage presence as he delivers his iconic hits. Brace yourself for a truly unforgettable experience of hard rock and incredible showmanship.
The story of Daniel, a man who all of his life has felt insecure because of his penis size. This changes when he joins a support group a little bit out of the ordinary.
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