Serie Noire is a gripping neo-noir crime film that takes place in 1970s France. The story follows a door-to-door salesman who becomes entangled in a dangerous web of murder, suspicion, blackmail, and extortion. As he navigates the dark underbelly of urban decay, he must unravel the truth and protect himself from the sinister forces at play.
Bartek is a young man who runs a small horse farm and looks after his possessive mother. Their relation is not easy but it becomes even more difficult when he falls in love with the musician Dawid and begins to dream of leaving home.
Daniel is a young man struggling with an inner identity that is desperate to be realised. After leaving his father to move to London, his subconscious desires begin to take control. Led by his new co-worker and upon finding London's Drag hotspot 'Lost & Found' nightclub, Daniel realises his life will never have to be the same again.
Wunderkind horror novelist Stephen Grimes is hard at work coming up with new ways to kill people when, on a late-night drive, he hits a young man and rushes him to the hospital. A tentative friendship between the two men erupts into a heated affair. Stephen is soon trapped in a dangerous plot, as Emett and Emett's friends reveal a sinister side that could be a storyline from one of his own novels.
A teenager adores his sailor friend. He dreams about the exotic countries, marvellous starry skies and the inevitable homesickness that would bring his friend back to him. In a colourful series of mythical referential images, his fragile dreams get so unreal, that the enthusiasm for seeing his friend again turns into anxiousness.
In the summer of 1963, a sixteen year old girl investigates the mystery of her father's basement.
In the city of Cajamar, in the middle of ruined nature, lonely characters deal with the police, rodeos and mysterious fires.
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