Oliver Quick, a student at Oxford University, is struggling to find his place until he meets Felix Catton, a charming and aristocratic classmate. Felix invites Oliver to Saltburn, his family's sprawling estate, for a summer that will change everything. As Oliver delves into the world of Felix and his eccentric family, he becomes embroiled in deception, class differences, and a web of dark secrets. This psychological thriller explores themes of sociopathy, murder, mental illness, and the consequences of navigating the complex dynamics of love, lust, and power.
Private Vices, Public Virtues, released in 1976, is a highly controversial movie that delves into the depths of decadence, sensuality, and taboo desires. Set in Central Europe, the film follows the story of a group of aristocrats who engage in incestuous relationships, erotic encounters, and acts of sodomy. The plot explores the blurred lines between vice and virtue, shedding light on the hidden desires and dark secrets of the characters involved. With explicit scenes and provocative content, it pushes the boundaries of societal norms and challenges conventional morality.
A man in his late 30s lives a carefree life, indulging in juvenile pranks, until he is forced to confront his own existential crisis. As he navigates through various social situations, he is faced with the harsh realities of aging and the responsibilities of adulthood.
The first date between Marcello and Herman turns into a game in which every action is dictated by rolling a mystical dice. A powerful feeling begins to arise between the two, but how long can a relationship entirely based on fate last?
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