Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a high school student who discovers that he has the ability to time travel. He uses this power to go back in time and prevent the death of his girlfriend and save his friends from a heinous gang known as the Tokyo Manji Gang. Through his journey, Takemichi learns about loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of his actions.
A married gay couple, Marc and Fred, decide to take a trip to a bed and breakfast in London. However, their peaceful getaway turns into a nightmare when they discover the host's hidden agenda and find themselves in danger. As they navigate through paranoia and moral dilemmas, the couple must confront their fears and fight for their lives.
It's 1968. Ian and John, two young point men in love in the midst of the Vietnam War, lead their squad in a desperate attempt to survive a botched Phoenix Mission, despite their Captain who has lost his humanity and who will use any means to win, including sacrificing the squad.
A preacher (George Nader) fears for his family (Phyllis Thaxter, Tim Hovey) after killing a teenage burglar whose father seeks revenge.
In Rocket-bye Baby, a man eagerly awaits the arrival of his newborn baby but gets caught in a mix-up at the hospital. He finds himself on a surreal journey to outer space, where he encounters aliens and rockets. It turns out that everything was just a dream, and he wakes up in the hospital with his wife and newborn baby.
A condemned murderer, scheduled to hang in the morning, asks for the company of a woman in his final hours.
An estranged couple visit their old apartment, which is now occupied by Charley and his wife. Charley's wife, however, misunderstands the purpose of their visit.
Joni gets persuaded to enter a bikini contest by her friends and likes the attention. She talks to another contestant, Harlow, who suggests she try exotic dancing at Kandyland, where she works. Joni gets fed up with her job at the dry cleaner's, and boyfriend Frank won't commit, so she gets a job at Kandyland. She finds others doing drugs and getting abused, and tries to make her new job, her lingering attraction to Frank, and her strong friendship with Harlow coexist.
Thirty years in the future (when women are primary income-earners and men are stay-at-home housekeepers) Miss Hap is elected Fire Chief and leads her crew of firefighters to rescue a couple trapped in a burning building.
"Fatty", a poor good hearted farm boy is deeply in love with Winifred, a farmer's daughter. A rich neighbor offers the farmer a large plot of land if Winifred marries his slow witted son Al. "Fatty" has less then one day to save heartbroken Winifred from the rushed ceremony.
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