Bigger Than Life (1956) tells the story of a schoolteacher named Ed Avery who starts taking cortisone as a treatment for a rare inflammatory disease. However, he becomes addicted to the drug, leading to severe mood swings, hallucinations, and a complete transformation of his personality. As his behavior becomes increasingly erratic and abusive, his wife and son struggle to cope with the consequences. The film explores themes of mental illness, drug addiction, and the destructive effects of societal pressures.
Heather Locklear stars in this psychological thriller as a woman who is racked by multiple personalities and confronts a horrifying past of dark secrets buried a long time ago. When her father dies she descends into a bizarre emotional world where she lashes out at her husband and two young daughters.
Ippo and Honoka Sakurai grew up in a seaside town and have happy memories of their childhood playing near the ocean. But those memories faded after their father walked out on the family 20 years ago. And now, although Ippo’s job involves lending support to lonely clients with emotional scars, he himself has difficulty with relationships. He does not even keep in contact with his sister Honoka although they both live and work in Tokyo. One day, Honoka returns to the family home to announce she is engaged. Ippo happens to return home at the same time. And everyone is shocked when their father shows up unannounced.
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