Laughing Gravy is a comedy short film from 1930 that follows the misadventures of a dog named Laughing Gravy. The film features humorous scenes of rooftop antics, covered-with-soot mishaps, and the pouring of a bucket of water on someone's head. The story revolves around Laughing Gravy's encounters with a strict landlord, snowstorms, flowerpots, barking, and being hit with a brick. As the plot unfolds, Laughing Gravy ends up climbing up a chimney, getting stuck in a rain barrel, and dealing with a smallpox quarantine. The film also touches on themes of inheritance, suicide, and the struggles of pet ownership. With its black-and-white cinematography, Laughing Gravy showcases the comedic duo's talent and delivers a series of slapstick gags and hilarious moments.
John is a socially awkward man in a downward spiral of debt, until a lucky accident propels him into a new career as a black-market pet exterminator. In these difficult times, some families can no longer afford a pet. John has some inventive ways to help them.
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