Psychobitch is a coming-of-age story about a socially awkward boy named Henrik who is ostracized by his classmates. His life takes a twist when he meets a passive-aggressive girl named Ingrid, and together they navigate the challenges of high school and small-town life in a Norwegian village. The movie explores themes of teenage romance, family relationships, and the struggles of being an outsider.
After accidentally killing a young girl, a disturbed teenager named Ronald hides in a hidden room in his house. As his mentally ill mother dies and his absent father fails to return, Ronald lives in isolation, spying on his unsuspecting family and neighbors. He becomes obsessed with a girl who lives next door and starts leaving evidence of his presence, leading to a series of tragic events.
An English country lawyer weighs the case of a schoolgirl who claims she was kidnapped by two women.
A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. One day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more than they bargained for.
Lulu, a lonely and socially outcast high school girl, explores her sexuality and navigates through the challenges of love and relationships. She engages in online relationships, sexting, and even a virtual reality encounter. Along the way, she experiences humiliation, awkward situations, and betrayal.
Hide 'n' Seek is a surreal animated short film set in Central Europe. It follows a group of friends playing hide and seek, but things take a mysterious turn when the mirrors in the house do not reflect reality. The film explores themes of surrealism, manipulation, and the power of perception.
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