Hung follows the life of Ray Drecker, a high school teacher and basketball coach in Detroit, who becomes a male escort to make ends meet during the recession. He navigates the challenges of his unconventional career while also juggling his relationships with his family, including his twin children.
Follows Julian Kaye after his wrongful conviction release following 15 years in prison as he struggles to find his footing in the modern-day Los Angeles sex industry and navigates his complicated relationships.
Once Upon a Time... Happily Never After (2022) is a TV show about a tragically separated couple who must find each other in another life to break a spell on their town. However, their chance is threatened when two tourists arrive.
Alphonse is a chameleon-like man who sets out to fulfill all the wishes of women in order to overcome his own professional and marital crisis. Along the way, he reunites with his estranged father and discovers a new calling. However, his journey becomes risky and unconventional as he encounters a variety of unique and intriguing women.
Sugar is a coming-of-age drama set in Toronto, Canada, that follows the story of a young male prostitute. The film explores themes of drug addiction, street life, homosexuality, and the struggles of finding love and acceptance. With its raw and gritty portrayal, Sugar delves into the dark and complex world of its protagonist.
When a desperate man is told to strip in front of a sadistic client as part of a bizarre birthday gift, he is thrust into a world of humiliation and violence. As he navigates through his dangerous new job, he must confront his own desires and the manipulative behavior of those around him.
Uwe Friessner’s first feature, At the End of the Rainbow, follows the exploits of a West Berlin teenager named Jimmi who ekes out a living through petty theft and part-time hustling, hangs out in punk clubs, and who, for reasons which this film subtly details, is thoroughly unemployable. Drawing on his own experience in trying to help a young runaway who eventually committed suicide, Friessner wrote into Jimmi’s story several older students who attempt to find work for him, and who give him shelter for a time in their commune.
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