Judge Mathis is a reality court show that debuted in 1999. The show features Judge Greg Mathis, an African-American male protagonist, presiding over legal disputes. He uses his gavel and legal expertise to deliver fair judgments in a non-fictional setting.
Valentin is a charming and carefree bachelor who loves his freedom and life in Acapulco. But his life takes a dramatic turn when one of his former lovers, Julie, leaves their baby daughter Maggie on his doorstep and disappears. Valentin is forced to become a responsible father and raise Maggie on his own, which leads to a series of comedic and heartwarming adventures as he learns the challenges of parenthood and discovers the joys of unconditional love.
Keep Smiling is a movie that delves into the exploitative and patriarchal world of beauty pageants. It follows the lives of several women who participate in a contest and face various challenges, including psychological abuse, trauma, and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. The film explores themes of motherhood, relationships, and the fight against sexual exploitation.
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