Final Space follows Gary, an astronaut who befriends a cute alien named Mooncake. Together, they embark on a quest to unlock the mystery of 'Final Space', a place where the universe ends. Gary becomes a key figure in the battle against an evil lord commander, and with the help of his eccentric crew, he must save the universe before it is destroyed.
Over the Garden Wall follows the story of two brothers, Wirt and Greg, who find themselves lost in a strange and enchanted forest called the Unknown. As they journey through this surreal landscape, they encounter various creatures and overcome challenges in the hopes of finding their way home.
Armed with a super-suit that can shrink and increase his strength, Scott Lang must help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, execute a plan to save the world. However, he must first navigate the world of heists and superheroes to become the hero he is destined to be.
Ratchet & Clank follows the story of two unlikely heroes as they struggle to stop a vile alien named Chairman Drek from destroying every planet in the Solana Galaxy. When the two stumble upon a dangerous weapon capable of destroying entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes called The Galactic Rangers in order to save their galaxy.
Alex Rogan, a trailer park teenager, discovers that he is the chosen one to become a starfighter and defend the galaxy against an alien invasion. With the help of an alien mentor and his friends, Alex must embrace his destiny and save the universe.
Twilight People (1972) follows a group of divers who find themselves stranded on an island where a mad scientist is conducting experiments to turn animals into human-like creatures. The divers must fight for their lives as they try to escape the island and the mutated creatures that inhabit it.
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