Husbands is an American sitcom written and created by Brad Bell and Jane Espenson, which premiered September 13, 2011 via super syndication on platforms such as Blip, YouTube, and Roku. The series stars Brad Bell and Sean Hemeon as the newly married couple. Billed as the world's first marriage equality comedy, Husbands is a modern look on the classic premise of the newlywed sitcom. The second season premiered August 15, 2012. After producing two seasons independently, it was announced that CW Seed had made a six-episode order for a third season of Husbands, which aired on August 15, 2013.
A year after the death of their beloved Lily, Beau and Caden learn that she froze some of her eggs and they must decide whether they are ready to take the next step in their relationship and become parents.
Five women explain to the police the events leading up to the murder of their roommate, an exotic dancer.
In the English seaside town of Skegness, two boys struggle with both who they are as individuals and as a couple.
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