The New Adventures of Captain Planet (1990) follows the story of a diverse group of teenagers who are chosen to be Planeteers and possess special rings that give them the power to control the elements - earth, wind, water, fire, and heart. With the guidance of Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, they join forces to summon Captain Planet, a superhero with the ability to combat environmental disasters. Together, they protect the planet from various threats and educate viewers on the importance of environmental conservation.
This Black drama revolves around supernatural beings from another dimension, namely elves. This elf character with the name Black is starring Kamal Adli. Black enters the human realm by using the body of a deceased policeman (Detective Malik) to find his friend.
This series tells the story of a kind and creative boy named Amato, who comes across a prison spaceship housing many evil robots. One of them is MechaBot, who has the ability to mechanize everyday objects into high tech devices. Amato outsmarts MechaBot and becomes his master. The two bond together as friends over the course of the series and team up in the form of a superhero named Mechamato to locate and capture the evil robots that had escaped the fallen spacecraft.
Ronny Chieng, a Malaysian student, navigates the challenges of studying abroad and cultural differences while pursuing his dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.
White hunters in a Malayan jungle stalk a white tiger and bait their trap with a native girl. Captain Rogers to the rescue but falls for the Colonel's daughter.
The movie follows two unfortunate secret lovers who are constantly looking for a solution to their situation. Both of them are always arguing over their relationship. One day they went to a trip out of the city, into the outskirt. They hope they can solve their problems or at least escape them temporarily. They don’t have a solution, and they don’t understand why they are together. One thing that keeps them together is their love and care for each other. This is the second part of James Lee’s Love Trilogy which takes another look at unfaithfulness or rather faithlessness.
17-year-old Giddy spends a week in England seeking reconnection with her queer and estranged sister, Julie. On the night of Julie’s 24th birthday, Giddy faces a tumultuous transition into adulthood. The sisters clash as old patterns and memories remerge.
A psychiatric patient named Borhan transforms into a masked vigilante superhero.
Badang, a college student, gains superpowers and becomes a masked hero in the city. As he embraces his new abilities, he faces off against a supervillain and battles with blood and violence. Badang learns to balance his hero life with his college studies and discovers the true meaning of being a superhero.
A dramatic comedy following a young chef as she struggles to juggle an interracial relationship, an overbearing mother and a series of other unexpected obstacles while trying to deliver the most important order of her career.
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