Suddenly, Last Summer is a psychological drama set in the 1930s. Catherine Holly, a young woman who witnessed the traumatic death of her cousin Sebastian in a mysterious accident, is committed to a mental institution by her wealthy aunt. Dr. Cukrowicz, a skilled but unorthodox psychiatrist, is assigned to evaluate Catherine's sanity. As he delves into her traumatic memories, he uncovers shocking secrets and dark family dynamics.
Stomp: Out Loud is a captivating movie from 1997 that takes the audience on a wild ride through a unique musical performance. With trash as makeshift instruments, a group of talented individuals creates avant-garde music, showcasing their creativity and innovation. This engaging documentary also includes reenactments and comedy that will keep audiences entertained.
Popeye's nephews have been practicing their music and are getting good, but it's bedtime. After Popeye puts them to bed, they discover that many of the things in their bedroom can also be used to make music. And they are also blessed with an uncanny ability to appear to sleep every time Popeye comes to check on them.
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