The Fabulous World of Jules Verne takes viewers on a captivating journey through a dreamlike world where steam-powered inventions, underwater tunnels, and volcanic islands coexist. When a group of scientists discover a hidden island base, they must join forces with intrepid reporter Michelle to save the world from an evil dictator's plot to conquer it. This black-and-white masterpiece showcases the wonders of 19th-century science and literature, blending fantasy and steampunk elements with a touch of European charm.
In this silent film, a mischievous boy staying at a boarding house causes trouble with a magic lantern projector, a tennis game, and a jealous husband. Hilarity ensues as the landlady tries to control the situation.
Children parade through the streets of Hinton St George in Somerset on the last Thursday of October. Children have hollowed out pumpkins or mangelwurzels, a type of animal fodder turnip to make lanterns following a tradition in this part of West Somerset that coincides with Halloween. Punky or Punkie Night is thought to date from the turn of the 20th century or perhaps medieval times chanting rhymes and following a Punkie King and Queen.
The Magic Lantern was an projector of information and stories than preceded the cinema. How did its visual style translate into the moving image? This film traces the aesthetic narrative from the 19th century up until the 21st, calling in at the Victorians, Melies, Welles, Godard, Spielberg and Carly Rae Jepsen. It also shows how these techniques can inspire your own creativity.
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