When a young pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, she helps him escape his fate as a Christmas ham. Together, they work to save Wilbur's life and teach the value of friendship and compassion.
In post-war France, a café owner is haunted by the disappearance of her husband. She follows a man she believes resembles him, leading her on a journey of loss, amnesia, and homelessness.
Photos, animation, and music illustrate the story of the Beatles.
A collection of subversive comedy sketches and routines relating to the peace movement.
This experimental animated short takes a critical look at consumerism in a material world. Thousands of cut-out ads are presented in increasingly fragmented, rapid succession. The film's disorienting and hectic pace seeks to interrogate the extent to which seductive advertising is a shockingly strong force in shaping our desires, needs, and lives in contemporary capitalism.
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