Closet Monster is a coming-of-age drama that follows Oscar, a gay teenager from Newfoundland who is struggling to come to terms with his identity. He finds solace in his special-effects makeup artistry and his pet hamster, Buffy. As Oscar navigates the challenges of his small town and his dysfunctional family, he dreams of escaping to New York and finding acceptance and love.
Max isn't sure about his sexual orientation until he meets Leon at his new school. When Max is singing a song at a school concert something beautiful happens.
The first-born son of a wealthy Mexican businessman, Simon is doted upon by his father, Don Andres. But as Simon grows older, he displays a fondness for dressing in women's clothing and playing with dolls, and is eventually banished from home and disinherited. He then finds work as a performer in a nightclub that his father patronizes. Not recognizing his son as a beautiful young woman, Don Andres discloses some surprising secrets of his own.
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