The Family Fang is a comedy-drama movie based on a novel, that follows a dysfunctional family of performance artists, the Fangs. When their parents mysteriously disappear, the adult siblings must come to terms with their unconventional upbringing and confront the unresolved traumas of their childhood. The film explores themes of family dynamics, identity, and the blurred line between art and reality.
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous American authors. And probably the most abysmal. In his texts, he deals with the dark side of humanity like no other. And was himself scarred by this throughout his life. The writer not only shaped the genres of horror literature and science fiction novels, but today seems more popular than ever.
Jake Chapman explores why Goya's The Disasters of War etchings are so central to his own art and explains why, for him, there is a fundamental conflict at the heart of Goya's art.
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