In a world plagued by monstrous creatures, one unlikely hero rises to protect humanity from the imminent threat. As the creatures wreak havoc, a team of scientists and military personnel join forces to track down and stop the monsters. Uncovering the truth behind their origins and motivations, they must rely on the fearless power of Godzilla, a prehistoric alpha predator, to ultimately save mankind from destruction.
Navy S.E.A.L. sniper Chris Kyle's pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield, but the war continues to haunt him back home.
When a group of ruthless criminals kidnaps his daughter, a former government agent must team up with a professional thief to rescue her and stop a diamond heist.
When a dumb blonde joins the US Army, she finds herself in all sorts of comical situations, from theft and car crashes to mistaken identities and romantic mishaps. Will she prove that she's more than just a pretty face?
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