Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series is a ten-part animated series based on the Tomb Raider series. It was distributed through the online video game service GameTap from July 10, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The series consists of various animation and comic book talent's renditions of Lara Croft, presented in the form of animated short films. The series was originally intended to conclude on August 23, 2007, but date for the final episode was changed to November 13, 2007.
Till the Clouds Roll By (1946) follows the life of a successful songwriter, showcasing his journey from a struggling musician to a renowned figure in the music industry. The film covers various aspects of his life, including his relationships, career achievements, and personal struggles. With a mix of drama, musical performances, and colorful characters, Till the Clouds Roll By takes viewers on a captivating journey through the world of music during the early twentieth century.
In 1915, the luxurious ocean liner Lusitania is torpedoed by a German U-boat, leading to the devastating loss of life. This historic event shocked the world and played a significant role in the United States' decision to enter the war.
The evolution of the modern naval warship, from the days of wooden vessels under sail to today's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, submarines, and missile cruisers.
In this movie set in the 1920s, a young couple becomes swept up in a dangerous game of espionage and intrigue as they try to uncover a hidden secret that could have devastating consequences. With a mix of comedy, drama, and romance, the pair navigate a web of lies, disguises, and political intrigue, all while trying to stay one step ahead of a secret organization. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they must untangle a complex web of clues and unravel a plot that threatens to change the course of history.
The sinking of the British ocean liner RMS Lusitania off the Irish coast on May 7, 1915.
This short uses a musical suite to show Americans what they are fighting for in World War II. As an orchestra in military dress plays different "chapters" of the work, relevant excerpts from MGM films show the history of America. The chapters are: 1) Birth of Freedom; 2) The Land Divided; 3) Coming of Age: 4) Land of the Free. At the end, a chorus sings a patriotic exhortation. (Written by David Glagovsky)
In New York's Washington Square, a poet named Karl (Jack Livingston) is the king of art and artifice. But World War I breaks out and the spotlight on him begins to fade, so he dramatically declares his intention to enlist in the British Army. His friend Marcarson announces that he will go with him, keeping Karl to a promise which he hadn't planned to see through.
Citizen Lane is a documentary drama that tells the story of Hugh Lane, an Irish art dealer who had a major impact on the art world. The film explores Lane's role in the art community, his efforts to establish a gallery in Dublin, and his involvement with the Lusitania tragedy. It also delves into Lane's personal life and relationships. Through reenactments, interviews, and archival footage, Citizen Lane offers a fascinating look into the life of this influential figure in Irish art history.
Lost Liners is a documentary film that delves into the stories of famous lost liners such as Titanic, Britannic, and Lusitania. It provides a captivating look into the world of shipbuilding, the dangers of the North Atlantic, and the disasters that led to the sinking of these iconic vessels. The film features rare archive footage and interviews with experts, offering a comprehensive exploration of these tragic events.
A criminologist and a government agent team up to expose a ring of German spies.
The film is based on a book of the same name by Arthur Guy Empey, detailing his service as an American volunteer with the British Army on the Western Front.
"The Moving Picture Boys in the Great War" is a compilation documentary narrated by Lowell Thomas, illustrating changing attitudes toward the war and its participants, as well as toward the movies themselves. Winner, Gold Medal, 1975 Chicago Film Festival.
Lusitania: an ocean liner to rival Titanic. On May 7th 1915 11 miles off the Old Head of Kinsale she was struck by a single torpedo from a German U-boat. 18 minutes later she was gone: a death toll of nearly 1200. Who will live and who will die, as the political shockwave is felt around the world?
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