Not Wanted is a drama film released in 1949. The plot revolves around Sally Kelton, a young girl who becomes pregnant unexpectedly. She decides to give up the baby for adoption and embarks on a journey to find a home for unwed mothers. The film explores Sally's struggles and the challenges she faces as a single parent. It also delves into themes of love, rejection, and innocence. Not Wanted is a touching and emotional portrayal of the hardships faced by young women in the 1940s.
Hard, Fast and Beautiful tells the story of a talented female tennis player and the challenges she faces under the watchful eye of her ambitious and possessive mother. The movie explores themes of fame, sacrifice, and the price of success in the world of professional sports.
Never Fear is a 1950 American drama film about a young dancer who contracts polio. Despite being confined to a wheelchair, she refuses to let her illness define her and works towards her dream of dancing again. The film explores themes of perseverance, love, and the power of physical rehabilitation. Directed by Ida Lupino, it is a moving and inspiring story.
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